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My Day Out at Fort Lauderdale Beach

I often enjoy riding my bicycle to the beach when I can escape the mundane, the busy-ness, the superficiality, and whatever seems to be so important next to nature. I enjoy walking, not so much the jogging, but needless to say, I'm sure I can benefit from some cardio exercise. Thus, I buy a pair of rollerskates this past Monday, forget the rollerblades. However, I was still struggling. In my mind, I knew the roller skates were a safe bet. Also, in my mind, I was certain that I can glide seamlessly along the sidewalk along the beach with ease, and like a pro. However, in actuality, I felt like a four year old learning how to skate for the first time. An epic failure. I carried my skates along the beach with me, and foot it from Oakland Park blvd where I bought my skates from Target and made it to my destination near Beach Place. I stopped by a tourist shop to buy a tote bag for my skates, and the owner was from Guyana in South America, of which I am always so fascinated about. He said he heard an accent from me, that I sound like I was from the Carribeans. I said that if I do, it's because I was around other people of the Caribbean culture and was listening to a whole lot of Soca the night before and currently on my headphones. Proceeding with my walk, I worked up an appetite, and Fat Tuesdays is no longer in business, but Margaritas will always be around. I went to a Mexican restaurant I have enjoyed several times before, and listened to my preferred music of choice with my earphones. Hint! Hint! Soca and AfroBeats, and I rolled and switched my hips off. I did not not care who saw me. In fact, one guy recognized my ability to have my own party in other people's world. Also, one other guy recognized me from the night before at at a Trinidad restaurant called Lallo's, where they play great Soca music.

More about my dinner, I chose a table on the balcony, so that I can have my water view, dance to my music, and enjoy the sight of nature and its calming effects. It was beautiful. The premium cost for dinner (2 Margaritas, appetizer, and quesadillas) on the beach, which I felt was still reasonable, was very worth it. In the meantime, I'll be practicing with my roller skates, and sending my bicycle to the bicycle shop for immediate repair. By the way, I had an awesome server, who was attentive to my desires, and who understood my vibes. He was as handsome, ladies, as his name. So thank you Adrian, for your awesome amazing service. The icing on the cake, I got to see my beautiful cousin, a very successful hardworking woman, who also enjoys the beach perks and privileges from her hard work and consistency, passion, and commitment.

Whatever your circumstances, be as resourceful and resilient as you can be to understand your situation, where you can find the solutions to your problems and thrive. Be creative about enjoying such privileges on Earth because the earth is yours and for your enjoyment. It's your Gift for having life.

Antoya Lee

Independent Life Insurance Agent and Aspiring Certified Financial Planner

I enjoy writing, encouraging others, sharing financial and personal growth tips for success. More importantly, I enjoy this beautiful earth that my Heavenly Father gave me.

Relaxing on Fort Lauderdale Beach

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